St. Anthony hears your prayer no matter where you are!

St. Anthony hears your prayer no matter where you are!

Jim Scheeler, a brother of SJB Provincial Minister Fr. Jeff Scheeler, is a Kroger Grocery Store Manager.  He was interrupted on a busy day to assist an elderly lady to find her car keys.
Pope John XXIII

Pope John XXIII


He tried to hone in where to begin looking in his huge store.  “Where were you last, Ma'am?” he asked. “I have no idea!” she answered, obviously shaken by her loss.  Jim calmed her by showing his car key.  “Does your key look like this one?”  “Yes, Yes, but there is a picture of a dead Pope on it, too!” “That helps!” Jim replied.

Believing she was Catholic, he said, “Listen, let's say a quick prayer to St. Anthony to ask him to help you find it.”  But what if we don't find it?” she worried.  “”We will take you home, then, so don't fret.” he assured her.

Right when their 30 second prayer was finished, there was a call from the Pharmacy.  “”We found the keys!  Someone is bringing them up to you right now!”  There was a picture on the key fob of Pope John XXIII.


aboutstanthonyWe’d love to hear your St. Anthony story too.  Use our Contact Page or Email: or Call Colleen Cushard at: 513-721-4700.  Share your prayers with us and our online community at our Prayer Page.


Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony