Tony, Tony, Turn Around...

Tony, Tony, Turn Around...


Last week on Facebook we asked our friends:
“What has St. Anthony helped you find?”
Here are a few responses out of the 128 comments:


St. Anthoy Shrine in Cincinnati

My wedding ring…and I do believe it was a miracle because I KNOW I had it on at work and found it a few days later in my bed.

Many things!!!!! I love St. Anthony.  He’s my favorite.  I’m blessed I was born on June 13, St. Anthony’s Day, very proud to be named after him.  He’s always in my heart 

An unfailing prayer, I’ve FOUND !!!!

Everything! He has helped me find keys – important papers – shoes – my sanity – patience.  St. Anthony rocks!

I visited the St. Anthony Shrine in Boston at the request of my mother-in-law, who had lost some very dear jewelry and who was in Florida for several months.  I didn’t tell her what day or time I would go to the shrine.  At the very time I was praying, she felt she needed to go look for the jewelry in a particular spot one more time, and she found it – we know it was St. Anthony!

I needed a receipt to prove that a part that was put on my car had gone bad before the 1-year warranty, but I was at a loss of where it could be.  I prayed to St. Anthony and immediately I felt I had to look in this old cookie jar and there it was.

My cat Midnight had been lost for 12 days.  Then one morning he just reappeared in my apartment.   I believe St. Anthony let him in.

Many things. Just say, “Dear St. Anthony do your stuff.” He helps you every time.

My keys, phone and money LOL… let’s not forget my glasses
Glasses are usually on top of my head… LOL

I first learned of St. Anthony when I was boarding in a convent and lost my doll at age 6.  The nun told me to pray to St. Anthony; “St. Anthony, St. Anthony come around, a ____ has been lost and can’t be found.”  He always finds what I ask for and I have even converted some non-Catholics to pray to him.  When they come to me and say he helped them, I always say be sure to say a prayer to him giving thanks.  I have one of his candles that I light quite often in thanksgiving.

St. Anthony by Franciscao de Zurbaran (1640) Public Domain.

The best find was my christening gown that I thought I lost in a move.  I cried when my grand daughter wore it.  Now I need his help in finding a special rosary.  Help me if you can!

Not a lost item, but the miracle of my son, Anthony.  I prayed to St. Anthony while pregnant with a child my doctor said wouldn’t live.  He’s now almost 9 years old and doing great!

Almost 1 item a day for as long as I can remember

A loving wife and family

I had just taught my 6 year old grandson this little prayer last week, not realizing my oldest son had lost his St. Michael’s medal my Mom gave him years before.  While we were walking in my parking lot we spotted something shiny – it was my son’s medal he was looking for!

My patron found me and brought me back to the faith.

My blind, deaf dog, in the rain and it was dark.  TY St. Anthony!

My camera… just this morning!  Thank you, St. Anthony.

My maternal grandmother loved St. Anthony of Padua (there is another famous St. Anthony from whom this one was most likely named after – St. Anthony the Great who is better known in the Eastern Church, whom I also love) and my mother continued the devotion to St. Anthony (of Padua) and so I grew up knowing about St. Anthony’s prayers for all lost objects.  I can’t recall how many things he has found but have always believed this: those ‘things’ he does not find for us are simply not meant to be and something we don’t truly need if they are not found.  (Remember he is, after all, only our ‘intercessor’ before a “greater power” who ultimately grants us what we desire or need.)  St. Anthony of Padua, let us not forget was called a “wonderworker” (thaumaturgos’ in Greek) not just for missing objects but for many miracles, healing sick and dying people as well as animals, and most of all restoring lost faith.  Now my grandmother has passed away, as well as my mother, and recently my oldest brother whose patron saint was St. Anthony of Padua.  I continue to find strength, comfort and a great friend in Heaven through St. Anthony of Padua.  “Mirabilis Deus in Sanctis Suis” (“God is wondrous in His saints.”)

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Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony