Gaudete Sunday

Gaudete Sunday

'Annunciation' by Vasily Surikov (1914) Public domain

'Annunciation' by Vasily Surikov (1914) Public domain

This is Joyful Sunday,
otherwise known as Gaudete Sunday.

The Word today continues to take on hopeful notes, as The Nativity of Our Lord approaches. The close of the second reading today contains a most beautiful blessing from St. Paul; take it to heart and carry it with you as we continue this wonderful season.

'In him we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will, so that we might exist for the praise of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ.'

–Ephesians 1: 11-12

As Christmas Time gets closer, and you feel yourself caught up in the madness of preparation, remember to take a little time for yourself.

A quiet moment or two can bring you much peace of mind. The secular world urges us to rush; mother church invites you to remember what Christmas is really about: God becoming human in Jesus, through the Holy Spirit and Family.

May our Loving God bless you with peace of heart, mind and soul!

Fr. Dave

Fr. Dave Kobak, OFM

Fr. Dave Kobak, OFM

Fr. Dave Kobak, OFM, is the pastor of Holy Family Church in Oldenburg, Indiana.

Posted in: Advent and Christmas, Prayer