A roadside angel named Anthony

A roadside angel named Anthony


Never fear, St. Anthony is here!

I was on a short trip to a casino and my car broke down.  I’ve always had a special devotion to St. Anthony.  I was standing along side the road, looking at my car and wondering what to do.  I had no cell phone.

casino_tony_no-marks_crop_vign-200I said a short prayer to St. Anthony and this young couple pulled up in a beat up truck.  At first, I was scared.  Then he said he could help me.  He introduced himself, his name was Tony.

They gave me a ride and pulled my car.  Later they took me home.

Thank you St. Anthony, I love you!


Ps – Always grateful!
Here's my donation to St. Anthony bread.

AnthonyWe’d love to hear your St. Anthony story too. Use our Contact Page or Email: shrine@franciscan.org or Call Colleen Cushard at: 513-721-4700. Share your prayers with us and our online community at our Prayer Page. You can donate to St. Anthony Bread or any of our ministries at our Donation Page.

Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony