God's work in times of crisis

God's work in times of crisis

Grow closer to God

In this time of crisis, what is God trying to tell us? Fr. Cliff Hennings, OFM, reflects on our current situation in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

During this time of upheaval, we may want things to go back to how they were before but, let us resist the urge to go back to normal. Let this be a time of soul searching and growing closer to God.

The end of Lent tells of the greatest time of the greatest mystery. It speaks to that great hope that we see in the Passion and Resurrection of our Lord. Let us be like the exiles in Babylon, reflecting on how we came to this place to find ourself and ask how things might be better.

Let us be holy people, a light for the world to see.

(Fr. Cliff Hennings, OFM, is the Director of Shrine Ministry.)

Posted in: Prayer