Missing a prayer card on a very important day

Missing a prayer card on a very important day

Prayer to Jesus thru the intercession of St. Anthony

I misplaced a favorite, effective Holy Spirit prayer card. I looked everywhere it might be located and did not find it. I prayed to Jesus thru the intercession of St. Anthony of Padua to reveal where it was located.

I realized it was June 13th, a special day designated to honor St. Anthony of Padua, Patron Saint of many miracles and the finding of lost items. After searching without finding my prayer card, I prayed, “Lord Jesus… Okay, I am tired of looking for it. Your Holy Will be done. When you want me to find it, I will find it.”

I stopped looking for the prayer card and turned my attention to other activities of daily living. Later on in the day, it suddenly occurred to me my prayer card may possibly be located in a folder I had used 13 days ago. I immediately responded to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and went to look in the possible location hoping my prayer card was there. I found it.

I thanked Jesus with a grateful heart. I thanked St. Anthony and The Holy Spirit too. I am so happy to share prayer answers. Dear Lord God, please bless each and all persons who read one of the many simple ways God does answer our prayers.

Jesus IS Happiness. Seek and you will find.

Peace be with you.

Mary A.

Divine Love, Mercy, Peace of Christ, Happiness right here and now, right where ever you are now. “Prayer IS Union with God’s Love.”

Thanks to God, the Blessed Trinity, Our Father through the merits (Mercy) of Jesus, Beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit, Paraclete and Advocate, sent by Jesus.

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Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony