Most Recent Prayer Intentions

Lord please please take care of my son as I am in grave danger health wise
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Would you be able to pray for me so the hard lump near my groin is diminished?
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

It has been a while since I posted a prayer request. I earnestly pray St. Anthony, please pray for me. I pray for complete restoration of my body. Heal the side effects of the stroke I suffered on Good Friday and all medical issues that led to it. Cure the arthritis, diabetes, cholesterol and all the ills of my body. Quite the anxiety and panic attacks that wake me in the night. Reverse the side effects caused by medications ... I also pray for a financial miracle so that I may keep my home, have all necessary repairs made.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please hear my prayer continue to watch over my children and nephew and niece. Give them the strength, guidance, direction, support and protection that they need. Please help them each meet someone now who will treat them well and who will love them, care for them, protect,, support and commit to them. Please help them as each want to have their own partner and children. Let this happen soon as possible and let them be happy and content. Please let them be happy and content Amen
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for Sarah admitted for dengue n typhoid for her speedy n complete recovery n discharge.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dearest Saint, thank you for the prayers ,I have received many favors, Please pray for THISHAN and DHILAIN that they will do well at their studies and jobs, protect them from many forms of danger and temptations ,protect their health and heal them in their illnesses . Help PRIYANGI to do her job and studies well and recover her from the on going illnesses . Help me to regain my affected health. .. Help MANOHARI to get rid of her legal issues. Help her to bloom her businesses , I ask this in the name of Jesus Amen
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please help me in prayer that Jehovah show me the way out according to 1 Corinthians 10:13...Thank you, in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for my total healing, especially healing of my inferior vena cava, blood circulation, reproductive problems, all diseased tissues & organs especially of my veins, arteries & brain, to be healed of symptoms of paralysis & muscle control & not to be scared of going to sleep anymore, help trusting Jesus, freedom from fear of death, healing from trauma of all these symptoms. Amen.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

dear lord pls hv mercy on us save is from evil around us negative influences all those trying to harm us or pull us down.. which they have done in our lives..there is so much of unrest in our family.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

St. Anthony I most earnestly implore of you to grant my son the grace to get a good job and guide him in his career. Keep him in good health and in the company of good friends. Provide us with financial assistance for Crystal and help us get all our compensation and the money we have lost. Grant my family the grace to get a good buyer for my Celebration house and help me be able to reinvest the money. Amen
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please let me hear from G. Please also let me and M speak. Thank you.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Help me please St. Anthony. I'm not sure why I'm still in this apartment. But I know that you know. Please help me move. I'm praying for so many years. You know that. I'm here too many years please help me get out of here quickly and let me be happy. Please plead for me and ask God for God's favor, blessings and protection. St. Anthony intercede. Please help me get out of this trap. Thank you.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord please make me get the right job aligned to my skills as per your will....protect my little one ...
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord look after my little one ..
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord please make me get the right job aligned to my skills as per your will
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord make the dentist appointment go well
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please make my sons exam be easy
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I pray for God to protect myself husband and children from injury and harm in their everyday activities . Bless us with good health in mind and body. Long life. Bless my Children professional activities . May they reach the highest maximum point which makes them so proud and happy in scoring goals . Bless my son to have scholarship in his professional career. Let your Holy Spirit be leading and protect us in our lives. Angel Michael. Gabriel and Raphael always be with us. All this I ask through Jesus Christ I pray Amen.ЁЯЩПЁЯП┐ .
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for God to protect me from my sister and brother-in-law.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord please change my unemployment status
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Saint Joseph, Terror of demons; pray for me.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Mary, Queen of angels; pray for me.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Saint Anthony, Please pray for me to meet my cousin Lijo and spend some time with him as I havenтАЩt seen him for more than 10 years now. God hear my prayers .
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Angel of God, My Guardian Dear, to whom God's love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light and to guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for my brother Wells as he met with an accident yesterday. He is hospitalised and is going to be operated today. He has injury in right leg fractured and heaps. Please pray for successful surgery and healing and recovery.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St. Antony, please intercede for me,SS,AS,GS,MG,B,S,H,RG,J,U,AG,H,E,RJ,C,G and all our loved ones are safe and healthy in Jesus name. Jesus I trust in you. Dear Lord, please have mercy on us in Jesus name. Please have mercy on the souls of P,A,T and our departed loved ones in Jesus name. Amen
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray that my family lives very long, happy, healthy, and safe lives. Please pray that my house and family remain safe from dangers including weather, my family has no big problems, my husband makes wise decisions, and my kids are happy and do well socially and in school. Please pray my oldest son keeps a 4.0 gpa, makes AтАЩs on his exams, and his mental health and socialization improve.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony bless my family and my children Antoathin and daughter Aashika and save their lives. Heal my son Antoathin and daughter Aashika cough and Adukku Thummal problem. Save my profession. Save my sister husband from addict with alcohol. Save my sister kohila from her stomach and urology problem. Thank you Jesus Christ
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Saint Anthony Lord Almighty please steer me to the right job with a good job atmosphere ...
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For a man to remember a lady that has cared about him for 35 years. The lady has strong faith and believes God will do his will with this
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for a fun and safe trip for Abby
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for Jensen. He is breaking down currently. I'm not able to help him in anyway. He needs lot of Divine help. He is struggling because if he doesn't do well in his current assignment, he will be kicked out of his whole course. He is in his 3rd year of university. Please please pray . I'm not sure what to do. This is a terrible terrible time. He needed to submit it 2 days ago, but still not able to do it. He is panicking and not working on it. I'm in such a muddle with my personal life circumstances and his studies are suffering too. He will not be able to continue his studies and will have to drop out of university otherwise. He needs to submit very very latest today inorder that he might pass.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for the physical healing and conversion of my husband, and peace between my husband and children. Also the mental healing and true conversion of my children.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray that my ex has a successful job interview tomorrow and gets the job. Thank you. She has been out of work for almost 3 years.
Tuesday Oct, 22, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

st. Anthony, gentlest of saints, thanks & may all our blessings continue. Pray for all my brothers, sisters, Dad, mom, me, we all find peace, love, joy, happiness in our lives. esp the sick, dad, jim, al then jeff, cyn , the kids, forgive us our sins. get me safely thru this wk, help w/ the house, car, job,. let m find peace. take this loniness away, get me friends that i can visit and who visit me.i may have a thanksgiving invite. help me with Ben and ING, that they are more lovin, carin, considerate 2 me, that i form i family under 1 roof with eithier, prefablly ing. Please have ING hold up promise to visit me , thta ING visit me before the end of the year. . St. Anthony, please intercede for me. Amen
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Take care of us
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I keep praying and I am not getting miracle for my youngest nor for the rest of my family. When can you help set things right for my youngest he should be happy I get the feeling he is being bullied and needs meds adjusted. Also my spouse needs his approval so he can work asap.please help us asap. Let me finish my building and let us rent out main fl asap. Please grant me a miracle asap. Please help my.youngest asap Please help me.find work from home and.become.organized in doing so asap. Please help.provide needed miracle. Please grant me a sign all will turn in favor of my family asap. Promise to work hard and.give.back
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I feel anxious and am going through a dilemma please pray for my intentions and that I may make a good choice.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

pray for me. Still no results from pap smear test. Pray negative. Pray things get better. All I do is cry now. So hard when you feel so alone and family except for niece don't care. Pray sister stops lying. Pray mend with family. Has to get better. I keep praying and praying. Pray for Theodore on this Board
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Jesus said to his disciples: "Gird your loins and ligjt your lamps and be like servants who await their master's return from a wedding, ready to open immediately when he comes and knocks.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I will hear what God proclaims; the LORD-for he proclaims peace. Near indeed is his salvation to those who fear him, glory dwelling in our land.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have become near by the Blood of Christ.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Blessed be God,blessed be Infant Jesus,blessed be Our Lady in all her different forms,blessed be all the spirits,saints,apostles,martyrs,all the guardian angels of my life and family members,all the guiding and governing angels and spirits at my work place,all the governing forces in the Universe,all the God's in the entire Universe and beyond. Thunderously praise and glorify Infant Jesus in the entire Universe and beyond
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Holy Family; pray for me.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me use my Twin Stim OTC effectively. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Take care of ys
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

At this dark time in my life I am in dire need of your prayers to heal me both mentally and physically. I believe in the power of prayer and thus if you speak the healing words on my behalf, I truly believe the lord shall heal me. God bless you.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For healthy, undisturbed sleep, we pray. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

All family and friends and those who have died and Sheila had a stroke
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony, My husband and I are out of job. Lord please make A get a good opportunity as soon as possible. Lord please help me also get a job as soon as possible in a good company with nice work culture. Lord please be with me and A. Lord please make A and I get a job in the same city so that we can improve our marriage. Lord please help me. Amen
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Asking dear sweet and loving st..anthony for great gealung of passed errors I made as a older were sexual abused by my x hubby I believe my child n called cops. I did everything the state child and family unit asked..therpy, signed waveres, in the end I was looking like total a** and lost the young two. A married couple adopted them. I'm not a monster. I'm afraid the adopted patrents were told half truth bout what happened in my house and the man who adopted the Lil ones was quit fresh with me and frank that he wasn't gonna met me anywhere so I could see my girls....I have no saving..I feel very foolish..I need lots of guidance atm please st anthony
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

family intentions deliverances special intentions
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; I ask that my enemies are powerless to cause me harm, anxiety, and distress. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St.Anthony, ... I request you to please cry out to Jesus to do a miracle that the Government Regulator doesn't revoke the lab license and that when Collin goes to meet him again in the coming days with the explanation, he accepts it and allows work to resume in both the labs. Everyday we are facing so many problems. I don't know when will this end. Please keep us in your prayers and that Jesus guide us and give us Victory as nothing is impossible with Jesus. In Jesus mighty name I pray,
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Pray for family peace love , My father Charandas drinks daily and fight please pray for peace in family ,spiritual growth ,salvation and deliverance
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord, I pray that you will help me get a job.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

God, I thank You for the many blessings. Master, we surrender Your family, s s H. M 4 homes, 2 cars & 4 banks. God fill us with Holy Spirit grant good health, long life, peace & joy for Your family. Heal p grant us salvation give peace & joy always please bless new homes. God, I consecrate our family. Thank you. St. Anthony please pray for our family. Thank you.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Protect my son lord Jesus
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St. Anthony, Please help my family who are ill. Please stop the war. Thank you.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony, Thank you for prayers answered and miracle granted. Please always watch over my son Sean, keep him safe , happy and help to succeed in his new endeavors.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

St Anthony, St Joseph, St. Ives, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Vitus, Blessed Carlo Acutis, St. Isidore of Seville, St. Rita of Cascia and St. Teresa of ├Бvila, and all saints, known and unknown, I ask for your intercession and prayers on behalf of Max / Maxwell to have a great education in high school, find good friends, and realize his talents. He is neglected by his mother who does not spend his child support on him (has few old clothes, seldom hair cuts). Thank you for all prayers on his behalf.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

O holy St. Anthony, gentlest of saints, your love for God and charity made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles followed your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or need. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to grant also my requests: I ask for intercessory prayers and intervention that Dustin and Lauren, and Bryte and Kayli, will successfully soon have a new ideal home and that everything turns out in their favor. The answer to my prayer may require a miracle; even so, you are the Saint of Miracles! Thank everyone for prayers for their support.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

O holy St. Anthony, gentlest of saints,... I ask for prayers on behalf of Bryte / Bryan H to soon have a good job in his field once again, one suitable for him. Let him be hired and receive training, if needed. Please let him wait no longer and that he soon be contacted with good news - a job offer. Thank you for all prayers on our family's behalf: Gary, Bryte, Kaylie, Anjali, Maxwell / Max, Dustin, Lauren and Autumn. The answer to my prayer may require a miracle; even so, you are the Saint of Miracles! Thank you!
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Saint Anthony, I ask for your intercession and prayers on behalf of Janet to soon regain her health once again. She lives out-of-state alone and has fallen hard four times recently and was discovered to have a heart issue. Please let her receive good treatment soon at the VA medical facilities and let her have quick recoveries. Let her make the round trip to Texas safely and everything go well at the conference. Thank you and everyone for all prayers on her behalf.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray that my insomnia will stop. Today IтАЩm so tired from it. Amen
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for my family and me. I have been diagnosed with stage 4, metastatic breast cancer in which there is no cure and my lifespan extremely limited. Please pray that I may get through my treatments with courage and hope...and please pray that I may be granted a miracle of becoming cancer-free to continue to do God's work here on earth...if it is God's will and for the good of my soul. I pray for all of you every day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Nancy Joan
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for my mental and physical healing. IтАЩm in so much physical and mental pain that I cannot sleep at night. IтАЩm constantly sleep deprived and in pain.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Prayer Request for Peace and Justice We lift up in prayer Vikrant Toppo, Sanjay Toppo, and their uncle, who are facing false accusations of fraud. In their sincere efforts to help a person earn a living, they are now unjustly entangled in a situation where this individual, Rohit, took advantage of their goodwill and used their names to deceive others. We pray for peace of mind and protection for Vikrant, Sanjay, and their uncle, that they may be comforted in this difficult time and find strength and clarity in the face of these threats. May the truth come to light, and may justice be served. We also pray for the conversion of Rohit, that his heart may be moved to repent and surrender, acknowledging the harm caused and taking responsibility for his actions. May he seek forgiveness and make amends to those affected. We entrust this situation to God's mercy, asking for His guidance and grace to bring healing, reconciliation, and a peaceful resolution for all involved. Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

рдореЗрд░реЗ рдкрд╛рдкрд╛ рдХреЗ рд▓рд┐рдП рдкреНрд░рд╛рд░реНрдердирд╛ рдХреАрдЬрд┐рдП рдЙрдирдХрд╛ рдПрдВрдбреЛрд╕реНрдХреЛрдкреА рдРрдореНрд╕ рд░рд╛рдпрдкреБрд░ рдореЗрдВ рд╣реБрдЖ рдерд╛ рдФрд░ рдЙрд╕рдореЗ рдЕрд▓реНрд╕рд░ рдирд┐рдХрд▓рд╛ рдерд╛ рдФрд░ рдЙрд╕рдореЗ рдмрд╛рдпреЛрдкреНрд╕реА рд▓рд┐рдпрд╛ рдЧрдпрд╛ рдерд╛ рдкреНрд░реЗрдпрд░ рдХреАрдЬрд┐рдпреЗрдЧрд╛ рдХрд┐ рдХреЛрдИ рдмреАрдорд╛рд░реА рдирд╣реАрдВ рдирд┐рдХрд▓реЗ рдпреАрд╢реБ рдХреЗ рдирд╛рдо рд╕реЗ рдЪрдВрдЧрд╛рдИ рдорд┐рд▓ рд╕рдХреЗ Pray for my father. He had an endoscopy at AIIMS Raipur and an ulcer was found and a biopsy was taken. Pray that no disease is found and he gets healing in Jesus' name.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please help me get good marks in my chemistry exam. Thank you for hearing my prayer
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me with my laundry. Let there be no damage or distress. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me with my shopping. Help me with my check out and payment. Help me find what I want and need while I am in the store today. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me to fulfill my obligations in the best way possible. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray that I have energy strength protection favor great health do an excellent amazing job it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to the store a few times ijnip amen
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Thank You for today. Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Every weapon fashioned against you shall fail; every tongue that brings you to trial you shall prove false.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

That through Jesus Christ and with His help, I win.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for the end of racial and immigration hatred in the United States and the end of political divisiveness. Please pray for a Harris-Walz Presidential victory in 2024 and a peaceful transfer of power. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Oppose, LORD, those who oppose me; war upon those who make war upon me. Take up the shield and buckler; rise up in my defense.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Do not fear, Abram! I am your shield; I will make your reward very great.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Blessed be Abram by God Most High, the creator of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your foes into your hand.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the communities of the earth will find blessing in you.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

But God said to the man, 'You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?'
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord, please protect our country
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

* Restoration of loss blessing. * Divine healing and whole health. * Miraculous provision of my own house for I do not want become a tenant in my fatherтАЩs house. * I do not to be ashamed of myself or be put to shame. * I want to be enveloped by the mantle of the Blessed Mary ever Virgin. * I want to have all round breakthrough. * Success of Alabs Medical Laboratories.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Jesus thank you for the gift of life in the Catholic faith. I know that I will get married to Crystal D only soon in becoming one body in your union sealed with your precious blood live in the same house like the Holy Family of Nazareth with my family members live happily a normal delivery & be blessed with healthy, good looking, normal children & die peacefully after marriage with Crystal & thanks for the gift of faith in this life.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Thank You God for the mission rally being successful in the parishes conducted bless the people who came.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

St Anthony please pray and answer my prayers for my son rocky and myself and my mother Carmella prayers for us to be safe patient and happy and healthy praying for my mother Carmella she is doing great with her new medication praying for my son rocky he is successful in his personal and professional life ЁЯЩП for my husband Pete and family they rest in eternal peace ЁЯЩП for president trump he win this election over the evil that prevails him please I love and trust in you always amen
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

In Thanksgiving. For those who have trepessed against me with their eveil ways, especially my coworker in the reiligious order. May God continue to give me His energy strength, wisdom, knowledge,support from others. Help me to continue to be strong against all evil. For living & deceased family & friends especially our sons and their families. For peace , health and financil help. Whatever I do in God name. may it always be a grand success.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For Z AтАЩs intentions, keep him Safe and happy. Protect, support and guide him. I over this prayer for all his intentions. Thank you Amen
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony, I am still praying for my friend to get a good job, he has been out of work since January. Help me not give up faith that a job will come for him at the right time. Help him to use this time without work productively and not to give up hope. Please restore our friendship. Look after my family and friends and bring peace into the hearts of world leaders, that they would work for peace instead of power. Amen.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please hear my prayer continue to watch over my children and nephew and niece. Give them the strength, guidance, direction, support and protection that they need. Please help them each meet someone now who will treat them well and who will love them, care for them, protect,, support and commit to them. Please help them as each want to have their own partner and children. Let this happen soon as possible and let them be happy and content. Please let them be happy and content Amen
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

St Anthony Lord Jesus , Rescue me from a very difficult sibling and nephew ..
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord please help me get a good job ...a good working environment ..
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For Mary who has cancer. St. Anthony please intercede for her.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For safe travels to school and work. May our Lord bless, protect, and guide us all our days. St. Anthony please pray for us.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Cousin Bobby underwent radiation tx. for cancer rectal/colon- stage 4 Now will be starting on chemotherapy. That treatments be effective, and he be healed. Luz M. healed from numerous health issues and may Dr. hear her complains and decrease some of her meds. Cameron - colon issues - healing from all and min. need for meds.
Monday Oct, 21, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...