Most Recent Prayer Intentions

I pray, St. Anthony, for people to come into my life who can and will me. I am physically unable to accomplish anything. Life has become a nightmare for me. I feel so utterly awful, useless and helpless. My sons want me to sell my long time home instead of helping me to stay at home. Just more upheaval in my life. St. Anthony please intercede on my behalf with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to have mercy on me and grant me the health and financial miracles that so desperately need. I pray.
Loretta R.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Praise the Lord dear Father. Please pray for my younger son Kshitij as he is working in USA. His manager name is David he is giving him trouble during work. He dont give hours and work where he can actually make some good money. Plz pray for that manager too. Pls. Pray for manager he transfer to Kshitij banquet department those where he got tips. Please pray for my both son Nisarg and Kshitij to get 1000 dollar tips per day. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Mnisha V
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Thank You for my Catholic Faith. Amen.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

O Most beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me herein you are my mother. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us
John s
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for me for the physical well being, healing of Neck, knee & throat pain weakness & physical disability, mentally & emotionally peaceful & calm, powerful & Strong, Stability as Powerful Project Manager in office or site anywhere else; Easily Getting salary & all site expenses from office, Boss in favour, Promoted by boss with strong support, love & care, Be in favour Site Supervisor, driver, operators & office staffs, local peoples; overcome & protect from the enemies, problems. Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for me to be delivered from strong electrical currents and radiation next to my apartment in the city.
Thomas B.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For those who do not like me&misinterpret everything I say or do.Enlighten them. That they do not bother me or spread malicious gossip. Please ask God to fix it If they already have damaged my reputation or good name. May God protect me from all gossip & slander & may they see that I am a good person. If this cannot be achieved, I pray they stay away& do not harm me or my family or loved ones in any way. I forgive them & ask they be blessed. I pray they do not bother me any longer &stay away.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For abusers, hypocrites & violent,judgemental critical people & their conversion. 4 those who are different than them that receive judgements & false labels as well as vulnerable people or loners that do not seem to have supportive people around them. Please ask God to send good helpful people to support & protect them.Bless those who already have. For a good list of positive affirmations & good positive treatment for those who have been abused & judged.For things to turn around 4 them.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I request a good prayer of deliverance from any evil & healing as needed. St. Anthony, please help me find a couple of books that have good prayers. I also ask for new friends, new invitations. inclusion where God wants me. Please pray false friends &people that consider me worthless or an enemy be removed from my life/social media & that they do not bother me or spread malicious rumors. If their perception of me can change/fixed, help with that, too. I pray for their conversion.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony please intercede and pray that the money To buy my place is flowing to me today and that my waiver request is approved and being mailed to me and that everything is working in my favor and working out for my highest good now. Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony please intercede and pray that the money To buy my place is flowing to me today and that my waiver request is approved and being mailed to me and that everything is working in my favor and working out for my highest good now. Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord please please save my son and me
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

St Anthony, can you find a way for my friend to visit me in Australia. We have tried to get a visa but it was refused. I am trusting in you. Thank you. Amen.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please hear my prayer, continue to watch over my daughter. Thank you for the wonderful news of her pregnancy. Please keep her and the baby healthy and well. Let her carry the baby to full term without complications. Please let her have the healthy and well baby that she yearns for. Please God keep them both safe. Continue to give her the strength, guidance, support and protection she needs. Thank you for listening to me Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please hear my prayer watch over my son today and every day, protect, care, support and guide him through. Let today and everyday go well let everything be alright and no problems or issues regarding anything. Give him the patience, strength, confidence to be able to explain himself properly. Let everything be alright no negativity. Let him be safe and secure and everything run smoothly. Please let him be happy and content and get what he wants in his work and personal life. Thank you Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please hear my prayer, Please let my father Alex and grandparents Margaret and Charles be comfortable and pain free. May they be protected, safe and happy in where they are. May God continue to care for them . They are truly missed, thank you for listening Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

ST. ANTHONY PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR ME. Please ask God to break every curse, every spell,all witchcraft,all evil that those vicious, jealous people used.They were so jealous of everything I was & everything I had. Please plead for RESTORATION as well as a gorgeous, blessed, happy, new home, I've been praying years for. Please RESTORE ALL MY FRIENDSHIPS. Bring me a man who loves me, is good to me, who I'm happy with & love. PLEASE ask God for God's PROTECTION AND BLESSINGS for me & my child.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Deliverance from this job to the right one. My coworkers, manager & their contemporaries are catty, manipulative & micromanaging. Please help. Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Lord for the right new job..that pays better... has interesting work.. with a good culture that's among good people....I'm so tired of working for/with nasty manipulative people....You know the details. Thank You for everything. Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for the conversion to the Catholic faith of Nicholas H. May he increase in the virtues of humility, chastity, modesty and temperance.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Hi my name is Pam having a terrible financial problem needing prayers for a miracle in my situation. I have no income and have internal terminal cancer can you please pray for me for a miracle that the judge will not deny me for disability
Pam M
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for my cousin Jamie and her husband Tom and family. Tom has been diagnosed with Advanced Leukemia and has been put in hospital possibly for another 3 weeks. Thank you so much and God bless you all i
Kelly G
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Missing my parents at this time of year. Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend the Catholic Church.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

That the hand of God strike down everyone and everything that would interfere with my ability to take pride in the Republic of the United States of America and my pride in being an American.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

That the hand of God strike down everyone and everything that would interfere with my ability to take pride in my Catholic Faith and in the Catholic Church.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Deliver me from outside radios, stereos, phones, televisions, voices and noise that I can hear in my bedroom. Banish them as far away as possible. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Asking prayers for Ryan 8 years. Presently at Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto doing chemo to remove two tumors in brain. Labeled as critical with 20% chance of survival🙏🏻 Pls. prayers for Michael, young husband and father, having reoccurrence of low platelets and bad feelings over months, with no consistent improvement.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Angel of God, My Guardian Dear, to whom God's love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light and to guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

My daughter is going through tests to determine what is wrong, and why she is having severe pain in her chest. It may be lymphoma. She had several tests today and is waiting for results, which may come in an email as soon as tomorrow. She doesn't have a doctor's appointment until Tuesday. Please help her, I am praying that she not have cancer. There are other things that this could be. Please, St. Anthony, help us.
Diana I
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord please please make all go well ..
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony, Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father, I feel so stressed about how to handle my relationship with my sister. I feel so stressed about work and if I am doing good. I am struggeling with my job so much for so many reasons. I need to find peace in so many ways. Be with me, fill me with peace and the guidance I need to do a good job. I am stressed I am not good enough. Worried about my relationship and money Please be with me in my time of need and guide my way. Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony bless my family and my children Antoathin and daughter Aashika and save their lives. Heal my son Antoathin and daughter Aashika cough and Adukku Thummal problem. Save my profession. Save my sister husband from addict with alcohol. Save my sister kohila from her health and urology problem. Thank you Jesus Christ
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Blessed St. Anthony, I come before you today asking for your intercession to our Lord Jesus Christ that our lost important possession in our office will be returned by the ones who stole it whole & intact..& please lead us & guide us to where it is—that in the soonest possible time this problem that we have encountered will be solved in the most peaceful & loving way.
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Lord, I pray deliverance from this horrible job to something better paying, with an equally short commute & that's better suited to the talents You have blessed me with. I took it because I was out of work for a while but am finding that it wasn't the best decision. Please help. Thank You for everything. Amen
Saturday Jul, 27, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

thank you for prayers. niece and i go out tomorrow
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I am making intercession prayer request for my friend Kysha. Kysha doesn't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in her's life. (1) Salvation; (2) Deliverance; (3) Assurance; (4) Protection; (5) Wisdom; (6) Provision; (7) Guidance; (8) Forgiveness; (9) Confidence; (10) Confidence;(11) Courage and (12) Strength In the name of Jesus, we pray amen; Thank You
Greggory C
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

That the light of Christ expose false accusations for what they truly are.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for me so that I can get relief from nausea and vomiting. I have acidity and am tired. Please pray for me to Jesus.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Take care of us
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for me. I am lonely, anxious, and depressed and I just don’t know how much more of this I can take. Ask God to give me the courage, strength, grace and hope to get through this. Ask God to guide my doctors in helping me. I hurt so much.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me write out a valid and truthful online complaint to the State Attorney General without delay. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Deliver us all from those who make false claims of abuse. Rise up in our defense. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Let us, then, all take courage and go forward together; for Jesus indeed is with us. It is for His sake that we have taken this cross upon us, and it is for His sake that we will persevere to the end. He will help us, for He has gone the way before us. See, how our King marches before us, and He will fight for us. Let us follow Him courageously, fearing no perils. Let us be ready to die for Him in battle; and let us not stain our honor by abandoning the way of the cross.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

O Almighty God, help them by Your grace, that they who have received the office of the priesthood may serve You worthily and devoutly in all purity and with a good conscience. And if they cannot live in as great innocence as they ought, grant them at least the grace to mourn the sins they have committed, so that in the spirit of humility and the resolution of a good will, they may serve You in the future with greater fervor.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give thanks for your great glory, Lord God, Heavenly King, O God, Almighty Father.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Blessed be St Michael the arc angel, St Gabriel, St Raphael, St Chamuel, St Jophiel, St Zadkiel, St Uriel ,St Ariel, St Raziel, blessed be all the saints,martyrs,apostles,disciples,all the angels and spirits in the entire Universe and beyond. Blessed be all the governing forces in the entire Universe and beyond. Blessed be my Guardian angels, blessed be all the angels of my family members and near and dear ones,blessed be the guiding and governing angels at my work place and all the God's
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

My soul yearns and pines for the courts of the LORD. My heart and flesh cry out for the living God.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Bless Barry with physical and emotional healing. Praying that he will seek treatment from the seizures and head shaking he experiences. Praying for financial stability for Steve and blessings for young Steven who asked for prayer. Thank you for my good husband who is good to me and our family. Return to the sacraments for Samantha and Steven. Graces for Father Matt, Tom and Monsignor C in his elderly life.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Reform your ways and your deeds so that I may dwell with you in this place.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Pray for Tabitha Rosa to take the right decision at her work place as she is trying to change the job within her company.
Venisa R
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dad, Mom, all Grandparents, Family Members, Relatives and Friends; pray for me.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

God, I thank You for the many blessings. Master, we surrender Your family, s s H. M 4 homes, 2 cars & 4 banks. God fill us with Holy Spirit grant good health, long life, peace & joy for Your family. Heal p grant us salvation give peace & joy always please bless new homes. God, I consecrate our family. Thank you.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Holy Family; pray for me.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me use my Twin Stim OTC effectively. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me use my Dreamstation 2 effectively. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For healthy, undisturbed sleep, we pray. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me sleep well all through the night tonight. Banish insomnia and restlessness from me. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father;Deliver me from everyone and everything that would interfere with and interrupt my sleep in any way, shape, or form. Banish them as far away as possible. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for Emma’s and Bernard’s intentions
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please, pray for Fr. I., for his intentions and for everybody he prays for. Thank you!
Maria M
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Thank you Lord for two people today. God bless them. Praying for another miracle. I want to thank you in advance for that miracle. Lord, please stop all those trying to destroy our country. For the safety of all travelers. please heal our country – for unity and reconciliation. Lord stop those who want to divide us. lift my spirits and make me stronger thru life cuz I have been feeling down. Please help me & my younger brother Lord. For some good news about our country and world.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

That the hand of God strike down companies, corporations, and businesses that harm the poor.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

That the hand of God strike down any government officials who cause distress to the poor.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony bless my family and my children Antoathin and daughter Aashika and save their lives. Heal my son Antoathin and daughter Aashika cough and Adukku Thummal problem. Save my profession. Save my sister husband from addict with alcohol. Save my sister kohila from her stomach and urology problem. Thank you Jesus Christ
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Hallelujah Jesus, Heavenly Father thank you LORD Jesus for helping me, LORD Jesus; Stephen W, & Joel L, live happily together with me as life partners Amen. Hallelujah
Anthony Joseph S
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Praise the Lord. In Jesus’s name, please pray it is God’s will to send another miracle our way. My husband is dealing with multiple serious health issues. Our prayer community is always here for us. Now I ask prayers for our 17 year old kitty, who is also my husband’s support pet. Pray that he will be healed from whatever it is that is affecting him now, that it is not serious. Please don’t let him suffer, we love him. Pray to save our baby Shadow. Vet appt 7/27. Thank you & God Bless.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me with Ogallala Public Transit. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

All family and friends
joe k
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony, please hear our prayers. Amen!
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St. Antony, please intercede for me,SS,AS,GS,MG,B,S,H,RG,J,U,AG,H,E,RJ,C,G and all our loved ones are safe and healthy in Jesus loving name. Jesus I trust in you. Dear Lord, please have mercy on us in Jesus loving name. Please have mercy on the souls of P,A,T and departed loved ones in Jesus loving name. Amen
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Kindly for Benson to get a job soon he lost his job last oct23.he is in financial crises.he wife Shalini is a kidney patient she goes for dialysis every alternate day,my brother has pay hospital bills kindly pray for him earnestly to get job
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Lord, we pray for your help in quickly selling our property. We have spent six years tirelessly trying to sell it. During our seven years in that property, we never had any issues. Despite its great location, whenever a potential buyer shows interest, unexpected obstacles arise, causing them and real estate agents to back out. The reason for this remains unknown to us. We have even moved to a rented apartment hoping it would facilitate the sale once the property is vacant. I pray that you help m
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Prayer Group, St. Anthony & our Lady of Guadalupe I humbly request your prayers 4 my family and myself. Please pray 4 those who are chronically ill. I pray 4 your healing hand 2 be on those we love & strength 2 continue living as positively and as faithfully as we can. Strengthen the sick. I PRAY 4 a happy & healthy family. I PRAY 4 a husband & kids & the ability 2 be patient. I am feeling lonely & unwanted & am ready 4 a husband & family 🙏🏽 PLEASE keep me in your prayers
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for those who share your names.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Father; Help me with my shopping. Help me with my check out and payment. Help me find what I want and need while I am in the store today. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Jesus; bless the unborn and their parents and see to their needs. Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Every weapon fashioned against you shall fail; every tongue that brings you to trial you shall prove false.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

My son, David, gets a job. Positive results for him in a legal battle.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

St Anthony pray for me my mother Carmella and my son rocky 🙏 we all are happy healthy safe and patient and praying my mother improves with her health and praying for my son rocky he is doing well with his personal and professional life and prayers for my husband Pete and family they rest in eternal peace I love and trust in you and all the saints amen
Nancy s
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Happy Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne. Thanks for gift my parents to me. Bless them & all the parents with good health, peace of mind, long life, without any sickness etc. May all of them live happily, peacefully with each other like the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Kevin P
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

pray God helps me. minimal radiation and can work can recover quickly with no recurrence ever. Pray sister/family mend with me and that people reach out to help. pray niece wants to go out sunday. ty
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

For My daughter Vittoria Maria Pregnant with 2nd Child. Her health, her soul, and health of her unborn baby girl.For her first Child Isabella Grace, with Cyst on her head on watch. They are at the Doctors today with her.  For her Husband Sergio Miguel to be a good husband and Father to them and stay true to Gods holy will and Church. For Lorrayne Angela H heart failure in ICU. For Glenn H
Lisa N
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear Jesus, help me to spread Thy fragrance everywhere! Flood my soul with Thy Spirit and Light! Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may be only a radiance of Thine! Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with, may feel Thy Presence in my soul! Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus! Amen.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Please pray for work. Finances. Hebrew everythings. May we be virgins on our wedding day. Prayer about everything. Purity. Our futures. MINISTRY. ISRAEL. A time with GOD over what He loves, infinite times done. All these prayer meetings in now. Scripture us. Tummies. ABBA us. Marriage and children. THANK YOU ABBA love you all.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

In Thanksgiving. For a very successful and sell out event. Please continue to give me the energy, knowledge. support, success, donations and donors to continue to do Gods work. For living & deceased family & friends especially our sons and their families. For thos who have trepessed against me especially my religious boss, may God help me be strong against all eveil.
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony please intercede and pray that my song is life-changing for me and for millions of people around the world and pray that all barriers and limitations are leaving my life and that doors and opportunities are opening for me today. Amen
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St Anthony, I am still praying for my friend to get a job. It has been seven months now and he is getting very distressed and not sleeping. He hardly talks to me anymore. Please give him hope for the future and find him a job very soon. I tell him I am praying for him and I try to encourage him, but I don't know what else to say. Jesus I know you are working in our lives, I place my trust in You. Amen.
Mary C
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

Dear St. Anthony, please intercede for my help today and pray that the money to buy my place is flowing to me now and that my waiver request is approved and is being sent to me shortly and that everything is working in my favor and working out for my highest good. Amen
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...

urgent prayer for marriage my husband has been conversing with another woman & treating me so cold ! i have no resources to start over i need a miracle amen!
Amy G
Friday Jul, 26, 2024

Lord, hear our prayer...