A Franciscan Christmas 2019
For unto you a child is born
Bring your friends and family to ‘A Franciscan Christmas’ in historic Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati. Enter the courtyard of St. Francis Seraph Church on the corner of Liberty and Vine to meditate on the Holy Family or pet the goats, sheep, and donkeys in this Live Nativity.
‘A Franciscan Christmas’ continues at the nearby Christian Moerlein Event Center. You’ll see a Christmas Creche display featuring nativities from around the world. Fr. Joachim’s model trains, a Dickens Christmas village, a huge Santa Claus display, and lots and lots of decorated Christmas trees with comfortable chairs where you can sit and enjoy a beverage or food from the Christian Moerlein Taproom.
Dates and Hours for the Live Nativity in the St. Francis Seraph Courtyard:
November 29 – December 29
1:00 PM – 7:00 PM Daily
Closed Christmas Day
Dates and Hours for ‘A Franciscan Christmas’ at Christian Moerlein Event Center:
November 29 – December 29 when the Christian Moerlein Taproom is open for business.
Wednesdays & Thursdays: 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Fridays: 4:00 pm – 11:00 PM
Saturdays: Noon - 11:00 PM
Sundays: 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Closed Christmas Day
Open House - Friday, December 27: 6:00 - 11:00 PM
Appetizers and cash bar
Donations are welcome for the support of St. Francis Seraph Church and School.
St. Francis Seraph Church, 1615 Vine St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 (at the corner of Liberty and Vine)
Click here for Directions.
Christian Moerlein Event Center, 1621 Moore St., Cincinnati, OH 45202
Click here for Directions.

Br. Tim Sucher surrounded by families visiting the Franciscan Christmas at the Christian Moerlein Event Center
Posted in: Advent and Christmas, Events, Jesus