Exciting news from Fr. John!

Exciting news from Fr. John!

“Actions speak louder than words;
let your words teach and your actions speak.”
--St Anthony of Padua

We are excited to bring you some great news from an anonymous benefactors whose actions are speaking louder than words.  Like many of you, he loves St Anthony and wanted to do something special this year to help the poor and also honor St. Anthony.

He is offering a matching grant for anyone who makes a gift of any amount to St Anthony Bread for the poor from Tuesday, May 16 through Tuesday, June 13, 2017… the feast of St Anthony.  He is willing to match ALL gifts made for the poor, dollar for dollar up to $10,000 during those dates.

If you’ve been thinking of making a gift, this would be a great time to do so.  Your gift is doubled.  100 percent of these gifts will be used for the poor.

StA Bread donation 300Your gift of $25 becomes $50, $100 becomes $200…you get the picture.

Please take advantage of this generous offer by responding to this Matching gift challenge. Make sure to click on St Anthony Bread for the poor.   Thank you for letting your actions speak for you and for the poor.

Posted in: Events, Missions, Newsletter, Saint Anthony