St. Anthony helps mom build children's faith

St. Anthony helps mom build children's faith

Thank you dearest St. Anthony

I thank you for all the help and divine intercession . The miracle that you did made me speechless.

One fine day, I had to go for the catechism orientation for the parents in the Middle East where I was working. As usual, I had worn my gold rings on my fingers and as the day winded up praising the Lord, the kids and I drove back home.

After reaching home, I removed one of the gold rings while doing some chores in the kitchen. I remember holding it as the kids were screaming for lunch. To my surprise, I could not find the ring later. After some time, I felt that the ring must be lost at home.

My boys and I searched every nook and corner of the house thoroughly. I told my elder son, just 7 years old, to pray to St. Anthony. I prayed to St. Anthony to find the ring because I wanted to increase and strengthen my son's faith. I kept telling him that St. Anthony never did forsake and would surely come back with the ring.

My sons aged 7 and 6, and my daughter age 4, and I prayed the nine day novena specifically asking for the lost ring. On the 9th day morning of the novena my son asked me, "Mama, why isn't St. Anthony hearing our prayers for the lost ring and today is the 9th day?”

I calmly replied, “Yes, today St. Anthony for sure would bring us back that ring." I just believed and I begged St. Anthony to perform some miracle so that my boys would start believing. Just after that I prayer and turned to fold the clothes on the bed. There I saw the lost gold ring in between the spread on the bed. I was thrilled with joy for the divine intercession of St. Anthony and the children too started praying for St. Anthony’s intercession in their daily lives thereafter.

I am so certain that we had searched every single nook and corner and I am sure St. Anthony had kept it safe.

Thank you dearest St. Anthony.


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Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony