St. Anthony Miracle in Hawaii

St. Anthony Miracle in Hawaii

Lost forever?

Not if St. Anthony has anything to do with it.
Terri, shares her incredulous story.


       In 1982, my husband and I went to Hawaii for the first time.  Jet lagged and excited, we got up before dawn and went out to swim in the ocean.  We swam out to a large rock and down the beach about 500 yards and then back in.  When we got out of the water, my husband had no wedding ring.  Panicked, he ran up to the snorkel vendor who was just setting up for the day.  The vendor lent him the equipment, but said, “It’s gone.  I have seen thousands of people lose their rings out there.”

       As my husband swam back the route we had taken, I stood quietly at the shoreline, crying and praying to St. Anthony.  I squatted down, grabbed two handfuls of sand then stood and sifted it through my fingers.  Nothing.  I took a step forward and did it again.  No luck.  I repeated it a couple of times, always taking a step forward.  Then as I started to move again a voice said, “Don’t move!  Just do it again.”  I squatted down, grabbed the sand and when I sifted it, there was his ring!!!

       I will never forget how happy we were AND the incredulous look on the face of the snorkel vendor.

       This is to thank St. Anthony for all the times I have found lost things thanks to his intercession including my wedding ring that was lost last weekend and which I found in the toe of a shoe.

       --- Terri in California


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Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony