St. Anthony, Our Miracle Worker

St. Anthony's Kitchen serves breakfast to many children before they go to school. Photo by Colleen Cushard
So many of us count on St. Anthony’s intercession throughout the year. We primarily think of this very popular saint as the patron saint of lost or stolen articles, but some of us consider him a friend.

Br. Vince lights your candles at the St. Anthony Shrine.
If I had a dollar for every time I was told of St. Anthony coming through for someone, I could feed a lot of hungry people.
For countless men and some women, St. Anthony serves as their namesake. He is many things to many people. He is our miracle worker.
In the Friar Works office, we receive some of the greatest emails and notes about St. Anthony’s intercession. Anything from humorous notes about him hiding things from people (so that when they find the missing items, they need to make a donation), to serious health issues that suddenly were no longer evident.
One of our recent emails tickled me, and I thought it might also bring you a smile:
- My mother has sent money to St. Anthony and asked him to look over me for my entire life. I’ve had a great life, so St. Anthony must be doing something! Please use this donation to help someone else.
- Leo

"With 6 kids, my mother was always calling on St. Anthony's intercession."
As with Leo, the devotion to St. Anthony is passed down through generations. That was certainly true for me. My mother was always calling on St. Anthony, probably because there were six of us kids and something was often misplaced or lost.
Every June 13th we honor St. Anthony in a special way on his feast day and thank him for his many intercessions for our needs. If you are unable to join us in person, you can still light a candle in his honor or make a gift of St. Anthony Bread to help the friars serve those in need.
For more information about St. Anthony visit us at St.
Colleen Cushard, Co-Director of Friar Works

Fr. Cliff Hennings distributes blessed St. Anthony bread to eager pilgrims.
Posted in: Prayer, Saint Anthony