The Wisdom of Younger Friars

The Wisdom of Younger Friars

Fr. Don Miller, OFM, is the Vocations Director for the Province of St. John the Baptist.


Fr. Don Miller, OFM

Within the past few weeks, three of our younger Friars have been “guest bloggers’ on Fr. Don’s Blog. This is a good example of the joy that I receive as the Vocation Director. It is so rewarding to watch these men that I have mentored over the years grow into good Friars who have a passion for our way of life and for the Church. The bloggers: Br. Richard Goodin, OFM, Br. Roger Lopez, OFM, and Br. Colin King, OFM, are all studying theology in preparation to become priests. Actually, Brother Richard Goodin, OFM, will be ordained to the Deaconate this summer. It is good to hear from them as they express their thoughts and insights on the blog.  I welcome their enthusiasm as well as their fresh thoughts and insights on many topics that interest them.

Below is a recent post by Br. Roger Lopez, OFM, who made his Solemn Profession last August.


Brother Roger Lopez, OFM, Reflects on Ways to Make Christ Present

Br. Roger Lopez, OFM

Big love in small places: Weddings are a time of great joy and celebration. They remind us of the self-emptying love Christ has for His Church. I have recently attended two weddings, one for a cousin and another for a friend. My presence at weddings does produce a certain amount of confusion. People scratch their heads trying to figure out if I am a rogue Jedi Knight or a hobbit that has lost his way to the Shire. Family and friends normally set the record straight.

As the wedding reception progresses, I find myself talking to more and more people, most complete strangers. At first they are curious about my way of living, but the conversation normally turns to their own self-examination of moral living. I try to open my heart and listen to them, asking the Holy Spirit for aid and counsel. So many people reflect on a list of failures, attempts to love unselfishly that fall short. And in this, they see themselves unworthy of God.

And as I listen, I hear all the glorious ways they have and do love. The care for their children, financially support their Catholic grade school, call their despondent brother every week. Small acts of love, small moments of God grace. I bring these acts of love to the surface, saying, “In these small acts of love you witness God’s presence.” Daily we must reflect on the ways we prevented Christ from coming into our life, but also rejoice in the ways we invited Him in.


As you see, our young friars embody great wisdom.  Visit Fr. Don's Vocation Blog for more posts from these men.

Posted in: Vocations