Br. Vince’s St. Anthony Story

St Anthony statue and Br. Vince

Br. Vince Delorenzo, Guardian of the St. Anthony Shrine

Cherished ring

Many years ago I was in the Cincinnati airport to pick up a friar returning home from the missions. In those days you could meet people at the gate after going through security. I took off any metal that I had on, wrist watch & ring, put them in the container, walked through the scanner and picked up my watch and ring on the other side and continued to walk to the gate.

Br. Vince and his gold ring

Br. Vince’s gold ring was a gift from his sisters when he became a Franciscan friar.

When I went to put my ring back on my finger, I realized that it was gone. I walked back to the security station thinking that I left the ring in the container even though I was certain that I took it out. It was not there. So I began to back track my steps but I could not find the ring.

I said a little prayer to St. Anthony to find my cherished gold ring. It was very special to me because  my sisters gave it to me when I made my profession of vows as a Franciscan friar.

The pattern of the carpeting in the airport had gold splotches so my gold ring blended in with the carpet and visually I would not have been able to see it. I kept walking and then I felt something under my sandal.  Lo and behold, there was my ring! I said a prayer of thanks to St. Anthony and proceeded to the gate to pick up the arriving missionary.

(Br. Vince is the Guardian of the St. Anthony Shrine, Director of the Franciscan Mission Office, and a Provincial Council member.)

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