St. Anthony of Padua Prayers

Prayer for Grace

“Let us therefore pray to our Lord Jesus Christ that he give us the grace to seek his Kingdom and to build within ourselves a moral Jerusalem. By doing this, we will be able to merit our place in the heavenly Jerusalem to sing Alleluia in its streets with all the saints and angels. But the One whose Kingdom is eternal for all ages must help us to do so.”

Your Name Is Joy

“Sweet Jesus, is there anything sweeter than you? To remember you is more delightful than everything else. Your name is joy; it is the true gate of our salvation. What else are you, Jesus, if not our Savior? Be our Redeemer. Give us the virtues of hope and love, just as you have given us faith, our primary joy. Give us the words that we need to praise you always. With the help and through the prayers of your mother. You who are blessed throughout the ages. Amen.”

Behold the Cross

“Behold the Cross of the Lord! Begone, you evil powers! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered. Alleluia!”

Hear the Word of Joy

“To the ends of the earth…proclaim the word of joy…. ‘Ask, that your joy may be full.’ Proclaim it not only to the just who are in the Church’s midst, but to the outer bounds of the earth…., that is, outside the precepts of the Lord, which are for us the bounds within which we must live. Let them hear the word of joy so that they might obtain the full joy which has no bounds. May Jesus Christ lead us to this joy. Amen.”

Prayer for the Spirit of Salvation

“We beseech you, Lord Jesus, that in the seven brief days of this life you help us to conceive the spirit of salvation and bring to birth through a sorrowful heart an heir to eternal life. May we merit to drink from the river of living water and rejoice together with you in heavenly Jerusalem. Grant us this, you, who are blessed, glorious, laudable, lovable, sweet, and immortal through all centuries. And let every creature shout: Amen. Alleluia.”