August 3, Second day of the Novena to St. Clare
Today we pray for the poor, forgotten, desperate, and lonely around the world and in our neighborhoods.
If we use social media thoughtfully, we come face to face with the poor, the forgotten, the desperate, and the lonely in the world and in our neighborhoods. What do we see in their faces? What is their identity?
St. Clare raised the question of identity when she wrote her Fourth Letter to St. Agnes of Prague. She told Agnes to gaze upon the mirror each day so that she might see her true identity. What do you see when you gaze into a mirror? You see your face. What does it reveal about your identity?
When Clare told Agnes to gaze into the mirror each day, she was telling her to look into the face of Christ, for that is who we are called to be. Christ dwells within us; thus, we are called to be a reflection of Jesus the Christ. In other words, we are being called to be Christ to the poor, the forgotten, the desperate, and the lonely. When we look at these people who, like us, are made in the image of God, do we see the face of Christ? To recognize the face of Christ in my sisters and brothers beckons me to action. I am moved to help those who are poor, desperate, forgotten, and lonely in some way.
Take a moment and reflect on how you may reflect the face of Christ to your sisters and brothers in need. Their identity is just as important as yours. We identify one another by the face we see, and the face we are called to see is the face of Christ. When we see the face of Christ in another, we can reach out in love and compassion no matter who they are. Go now and reach out to others and touch the face of Christ. You will never be the same.
Sr. Ann Bartko, OSC
Ask the Poor Clares to pray for your intentions on their website: Poor Clares Cincinnati
Visit their Facebook page: Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare of Cincinnati, Ohio
Click here to pray the Novena to St. Clare – Day 2