Test and image of St. Anthony

Today, let us pray for all our friends and family who are sick or suffering, physically and mentally.


Fr. Dennet Jung, OFM

When in prayer, we remember those near and dear to us who are ill and suffering pain and discomfort—we are staying “in touch” with our family members and friends as well as with God. “Re-membering” basically means “to keep in touch.” Prayer is one important way for humans to reach beyond ourselves to touch God as well as our brothers and sisters who are suffering. God incarnate (Jesus) touches us through His passion, death, and Resurrection. We, in turn, are in solidarity with Him and the whole human family as we remember through our prayer and personal suffering who we really are—the Body of Christ, united in suffering, always in touch with God and with one another.

Fr. Dennet Jung, OFM, is a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest ministering in retirement in Berkley, Mich.

Pray the Novena to St. Anthony of Padua here.

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