August 9, Eighth day of Novena to St. Clare

Prayer that we will trust in God’s voice and promises even when it is not convenient for us.

Sr. Doris Gerke, OSC

As we continue our days before the feast of St. Clare, we remember how she listened to the voice of God deep in her heart and how she acted on the voice she heard. St. Clare calls each of us to listen deeply for that voice and to believe in the promises God offers each of us. Take some time today to sit quietly and settle into the silence. God is there. Ask St. Clare to share with you her listening heart.

In my own life I have heard the voice of the Spirit many times: when I first entered religious life almost 60 years ago; when I left active life to enter the Poor Clares; when I offered to go to Guatemala with the Memphis Poor Clares; and probably most clearly when I heard a call to bring the Poor Clares to Cincinnati. I trusted in the promise that somehow it would happen, and now 30 years later we are a community of ten Poor Clare sisters.

May you experience God’s voice in your life and in the lives of your loved ones.

Sr. Doris Gerke, OSC

Ask the Poor Clares to pray for your intentions:

Click here to pray the Novena to St. Clare – Day 8