Saint Anthony

St. Anthony intercedes for Jennifer

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels. Answered prayer Good morning! Here is ONE of my many St. Anthony’s stories. I work at a school, and my cashier shared that she had misplaced her cafeteria keys. I knew the…

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Valerie never doubts St. Anthony's intercession

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Valerie’s sweet rescue Shepherd relaxes with precious toy. Never doubt St. Anthony’s great love and power Valerie and her sweet dog St. Anthony will always be so special to me! I remember growing up and hearing…

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St. Anthony saves family vacation

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Answered prayers in God’s time My husband and I decided to take our kids on a short, one-night trip to Disney World. Everything was going fine at the resort until my husband decided to run to the vending machine…

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St. Anthony ends search for prescription

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Photo by Michelle Leman by Pexels Turn to St. Anthony I was running low on one of my medications so I got a refill from my pharmacy. When I needed the medicine, I did a casual search in…

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Hats off to St. Anthony for his help!

Prayer, Saint Anthony

  Photo by Lars H Knudsen at Pexels St. Anthony and God are amazing! I have an amazing story to share. My sister-in-law lost her hat while swimming in the lake today. By the time she knew it…

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St. Anthony helps a pregnant woman and her unborn baby

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Photo by James Chan from Pixabay “I prayed all night” During the first weeks of my pregnancy, I desperately prayed to St. Anthony because I had a painful kidney stone. The doctors told me that if something went…

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Honoring St. Anthony

Saint Anthony

Sunrise at St. Anthony Shrine and Friary Friars devoted to St. Anthony Dear Friends, As we started to prepare for the Solemn Novena to St. Anthony back in late March of this year, I asked some of the…

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St. Anthony helps during a trying time

Prayer, Saint Anthony

  Trust in St. Anthony In September 2019, three days into our holiday in London, my family and I were devastated when my older daughter suffered convulsions at the Waterloo Station and had to be rushed to the hospital.…

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St. Anthony and the Power of Prayer

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Aaron Hughes, far left, snaps a family photo. The power of prayer I was moved by the St. Anthony Shrine’s inspiring and thought-provoking newsletter about the Solemn Novena to St. Anthony. I truly discovered the power of prayer…

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Visiting St. Anthony

Prayer, Saint Anthony

Photos l-r: Painting of St. Anthony, the St. Anthony Shrine, statue of St. Anthony. Photos by Tonise Devotion to St. Anthony The crucifix statue at the Shrine. Tonise has great devotion to St. Anthony. Although the…

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